Little soft and cruel stories

We all are the observers and actors of a strange world. But the way to ourselves or to our neighbors is as far as stars.

Life dizziness, cruelty of relationships, the human being shows his whole complexity with his limits, fears and weaknesses. Choreography full of  little things of life, little secrets for which any kind of relationship is part of the game.

A spectacle to get somewhere else and get back with children insolent freedom. An art that helps us get rid of this conventional comedy that defines our life.

A tender and funny choreography, deep and simple, soft and cruel at the same time. Bodies that fall, an entertaining and generous frenzy…

Spectacle for all – children from 6 years old

Conception-Choreography : Brigitte Fischer

Actors-Dancers : Stephanie Delaporte, Aurelie Jamet, Sylvie Maury, Jean-Baptiste Artigas, Gregory Bourut

Piano : Jean-Baptiste Artigas

Music :  Lilliput Orkestra

Lights : Didier Borie

Sound designer: Olivier Brousse


« Gathered with humanity, eclecticism and briskness, these little stories investigate in customs and traditions, succeed in pointing out the essence of our times behaviors by showing both funny and serious scenes »

Nicolas Coulaud (La Voix du Midi)


« As a philosophical architect of these small things, Brigitte Fischer softly but securely investigates the field of her personal queries, with humility and also with talent

She mixes the quest for the physics of bodies with the deepest questions related to souls. An invitation to self questioning and at the same time, an invitation for sharing. »

Cécile Brochard (Flash)


« This choreography gives off an aura of true poetry that reveals tenderness and cruelty of each body, and always close to our intimate secrets. »

Gilbert Baqué (Les Nouvelles 31)